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Enalapril maleate tablet is ACE inhibitor use to treat hypertension ,high blood pressure, high bp, symptomatic heart failure, asymptotic Left Ventricular dysfunction, kidney failure etc.. • Enalapril maleate tablets strength are 2.5 mg / 5 mg /10 mg /20 mg. • Enalapril tablets brand name are • 1.Enam tablet, 2.envas tablet,3. lepril tablet, 4. Dilvas tablet etc.. • Enalapril maleate tablets warnings • Don't take if 1.allergic to ACE inhibitor 2. Pregnant 3. Breast feeding mothers, taking other hypertension medicine. • Enalapril tablets side effects are • 1.Increase serum creatinine • 2. Lighten headache • 3. Dizziness etc • We also discuss about enalapril tablets • 1. Brand name • 2. Uses in detail • 3. Warnings • 4. Dosage • 5. Side effects • 6.Mechanism of action • And many more in hindi • LEARN ABOUT MEDICINE • #enalapril • #enalapriltablet • #enalaprilmaleatetablet • #enalaprilmaleate • #learnaboutmedicine