Cardinal Spirit Animal Cardinal Totem amp Power Animal Cardinal Symbolism amp Meanings
Missing a beloved family member or friend? Need the confidence to be your most magnificent self? Cardinal, as a Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal, can help! Delve deeply in Cardinal symbolism and meaning to find out how this Animal Spirit Guide can support, strengthen, and inspire you! • The bright red color of this member of the Finch family, along with its sharp song, add to the symbolism and meaning behind Cardinal. The Bird is particularly focused on in Christian tradition where it represent the eternal nature of our soul and the sacrifice of Christ. It’s interesting that the Latin term for Cardinal means pivot or hinge. These Birds are named for the Cardinals of the Catholic church, with their brilliant red robes. • Cardinals, in nature, mate for life. They’re also homebodies staying close to home throughout the year. This gives them strong ties to devotion, nurturing, and love. As Cardinals are ‘year-round’ Birds, their Numerology association is Number 12 – the number of perfection and completion. Seeing Cardinals is considered particularly fortunate for relationships because we want those we love to be with us through all seasons or ‘year-round’ . • Only the male of the species bears the intense red with which these creatures have become associated. Interestingly enough, the brighter the red in Cardinal Spirit’s feathers, the more apt he is to capture the lady of his dreams and mate. Who would have known that Cardinal is such a Romeo! • Beyond being Mr. Romance, the male Red Cardinal shows pluck in defending his home and what they consider personal “space.” Do not mess with this guy in his territory. Considering the symbolic value and Bird Medicine here, Cardinal becomes a fierce Guardian Spirit Animal. • The Cardinal song is delightfully varied. Bird watchers tell us they hear certain whistles that sound like the word “cheer.” What a wonderful message to spread throughout the woods and regions where Cardinal dwells – be of good cheer; this is an energetic, life-loving song that boosts any weary soul. • Cardinal couples sing together, as well as singing songs to each other. If you are in a relationship, this symbolizes both unity and diversity – the things so important to a healthy, loving balance. Sing together, particularly in difficult times. Sing to each other of your feelings, desires, and dreams. Remain faithful and attentive, and your relationship has a great future. • Lightworkers describe the Red Cardinal as a Bird with an objective. This Animal Spirit Guide reminds us to watch for the opportunity and think deeply about our purpose in the greater scheme of things. • Red Cardinals, in particular, are considered feminine in nature, focusing our attention on the vivid side of the Goddess, the Sacred Feminine, and life-giving blood at the time of birth. Cardinals also represent the intuitive and inventive nature that we may otherwise overlook. • Learn more about the cardinal here: • Buy your Ark Animal Tarot Oracle Deck now: • Bernadette is a psychic, evidential medium, and shamanic practitioner with 25 years of experience. Book your psychic reading with Bernadette now: • • • What Is My Spirit Animal is dedicated to helping people connect with and learn from their animal spirit guides. What Is My Spirit Animal can show you how to find your spirit animal, understand your totem animal, and tap into the energy of your power animal. Try our spirit animal meditation and take our spirit animal quiz! Find hundreds of spirit animal meanings as well as your Native American Zodiac Sign! • #WhatIsMySpiritAnimal #SpiritAnimals #CardinalSpiritAnimal