SEKIRO Shadows Die Twice - BLACKHAT BADGER QUESTLINE • Thank you for watching, If you liked the video press like and subscribe for more Playstation Videos, also hit the bell icon to get notification for our new videos. • Help me reach 1000 Subscribers: • Donate: • Blackhat badger Questline • Speak to Blackhat Badger inside the house with the broken roof just below the Old Grave Sculptor's Idol in Ashina Castle. Telling him you know about the Tengu of Ashina does not seem to effect the quest, it only provides further dialogue. • Upon purchasing the Iron Fortress, used to create the Loaded Umbrella Prosthetic Tool, for 1,600 sen, he will inform you of his intent to relocate to the Senpou Temple. • Upon arriving at the Senpou Temple you can find him near the Kite mechanism located down and to the right of the Senpou Temple Sculptor's Idol. You do not need to speak with him here to progress his questline. • Continue through the game until you receive the Puppeteer Ninjutsu from defeating the Folding Screen Monkeys in Senpou Temple's Main Hall. • Return to the Kite Mechanism and use the Puppeteer Ninjutsu on the rat near the mechanism. You must perform a stealth deathblow (from behind) on the rat to active the Ninjutsu. This will cause the rat to raise the Kite into the air. • Now you need to use the kite to cross over the ravine. Navigate you way up the mountain, through the temple to the Old Lady that speaks of the serpent and wants Rice. From the Old Lady grapple to the small plateau and then grapple up the large tree on its right side. When you make it to the top of the tree, use the Kite to grapple your way across the ravine. • Make your way down the ravine by grappling where you will arrive in the cave containing the Sunken Valley Cavern Sculptor's Idol. • Blackhat Badger will be standing in front of a gave marker near the Sunken Valley Cavern Sculptor's Idol. Upon speaking with him you will learn that this is the grave of his son and he thanks you for your help. He informs you of his intent to return to Ashina Castle shortly. • Continue playing through the game until you defeat the Divine Dragon. • Upon returning from the Divine Realm you will find Ashina Castle has broken out into a war between the Ashina Soldiers and the Shinobi that invaded earlier. • Make your way down to the Old Grave Sculptor's idol. • To the left of the house with the broken roof, near the lowest Cannon Soldier tower, you will find Blackhat Badger up against a tree surrounded by three dead shinobi. • Upon speaking with him he tells you that his emotions got the better of him when he saw the Shinobi targeting a child so he stepped in to rescue the child by engaging in combat with the Shinobi where he was wounded. He thanks you for your help and tells you he has something for you, but he won't give it to you, you'll have to take it off his corpse. He passes away to his wounds at the end of the conversation. • • You can collect one (1) Mibu Pilgrimage Balloon from his corpse by holding the interact button (NOT pressing, you must hold the button). • blackhat badger questline,sekiro shadows die twice,blackhat badger sekiro questline,Blackhat Badger,sekiro npc,sekiro questline,sekiro merchant,sekiro merchants,blackhat badger sekiro,blackhat badger location,blackhat badger senpou temple,blackhat badger ashina castle,blackhat badger merchant,blackhat badger dialogue,black hat badger quest,sekiro npc quests,shadows die twice,blackhat badger sekiro quest,sekiro blackhat badger,blackhat badger lore • #BlackhatBadger #SekiroShadowsDieTwice #PS4