Best Back Exercise Youre NOT Doing Build A BIGGER BACK
Get a Bigger Back with ATHLEANX: • Sometimes it's the most overlooked back exercises that wind up being the best back exercises! Guys look all over for exercises to build a bigger back and wind up reverting back to just the same old pullups, one arm rows, and bent over rows. • The problem with some of the rowing back exercises is that you can easily hurt your lower back if you do even one rep with sloppy form. Put this exercise later in your workout, after fatigue has set in, and the chances of this happening are even greater. • That said, there is a great way to work on improving the thickness and width of your back and lats and that is with the inverted row (shown in this video). Not only is this exercise a great back thickener and a great back exercise in general but I included three instant intensifiers that can help you to get results from it even faster! • When you want workouts that challenge you EVERY TIME you do them, then you need to start training with a CHALLENGING workout program. That's what the ATHLEAN-X Training System is all about. From the world's most elite pro athletes to the ambitious weekend warrior....the ATHLEAN-X Workout program is the right program. You can get it at