How Is Plastic Like Diamonds Explorer David de Rothschild on Sustainability


Complete video at: • • British adventurer and environmentalist David de Rothschild compares plastic to diamonds, joking that both are commonly found, and last forever. However unlike diamonds, he says, people are taught the unsustainable worldview that plastic is worthless. • • ----- • • The Plastiki is no average boat. It is made up of 12,500 plastic bottles salvaged from the garbage bins of San Francisco. Onboard there are solar panels, wind turbines and a hydroponic vertical garden. • • On July 26, 2010, the Plastiki docked safely in Sydney Harbor, after a 129-day voyage from San Francisco. Fresh off the boat, eco-explorer David de Rothschild sat down with Sally Dominguez at Sydney Ideas, to talk about his voyage aboard the Plastiki, how the unique boat was built and why plastics pose a major threat to our oceans. - Australian Broadcasting Corporation • • David de Rothschild is an eco-explorer and founder of the environmental organization Adventure Ecology. He was the expedition leader of the Plastiki voyage, from the time when it was just a sketch on paper. • • National Geographic has named de Rothschild an Emerging Explorer. He is also a Clean Up The World Ambassador and a UNEP Climate Hero. He has written several books on global warming and sustainability, including a children's book, The Boy the Girl and the Tree.


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