Porcellio magnificus and Flameleg Millipedes

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=bhFi7c8GNt8

Porcellio magnificus are giant orange isopods from Spain, and Flameleg millipedes, Trigoniulus macropygus, are from The Philippines. These two arthropods have similar care requirements and so I put them in the same video together as a twofer. Together, they are two of the most desirable pet bugs in the hobby. Both do well in bioactive tanks that are based on decaying products that that you can easily find in your neighborhood or a local park and in this video we showcase how easy it is to make a proper set up for them. A little bit of produce from your fridge, a couple bits of fish food or cat or dog food, and they're content for weeks at a time! • Molting isopods and millipedes are both featured and the video closes with the legs of flameleg millipedes fluorescing under UV light. • Please hit the Like button Subscribe! • Online Store: https://bugsincyberspace.com • Care Books: https://bugsincyberspace.com/product-... • Follow us on these other social media platforms: • Instagram:   / bugsincyberspace   • TikTok: @bugsincyberspace • #porcelliomagnificus #flamelegmillipede #trigoniulusmacropygus


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