Serdeczna MatkoPronunciation
Parts Link: • Serdeczna Matko • Choir Practice: Serdeczna Matko [Loving Mother] , is a traditional Polish Marian song. Our Lady of Częstochowa ( the Black Madonna ) is intimately associated with Poland and is located in the Pauline monastery of Jasna Góra, in Częstochowa Poland. It is the most famous shrine and place of pilgrimage to the Virgin Mary in Poland. • Polish Lyrics • Serdeczna Matko, Opiekunko ludzi • Niech Cie płacz sierót do litości wzbudzi! • Wygnańcy Ewy, do Ciebie wołamy, • Zlituj się, zlituj, niech się, nie tułamy. • English Translation: • Beloved Mother, guardian of our nation. • O hearken to our supplication. • Your loyal children kneeling we beseech you. • Grant us the graces to be loyal to you.