Create a Virtual USB Drive in VMware Workstation
If you need to create a virtual USB flash drive from storage on your VMware Workstation host, then it's a fairly easy process to do. You can create a virtual disk file (VMDK) and then attach it to your virtual machine as a virtual USB drive and the OS will see it as a USB drive as well. • A writeup of the process can be found here. • • Here are the instructions from the video. Just remember to change the path and VMDK file name if needed. • Navigate to your VMware Workstation installation directory • cd C:\\Program Files (x86)\\VMware\\VMware Workstation • Create the virtual USB drive • vmware-vdiskmanager.exe -c -a buslogic -s 32GB -t 0 D:\\VMware VMs\\vm-usb-key.vmdk • -c = create • -a = type of adapter • -s = size • -t = type • 0 = dynamically sized virtual disk in one file • Make sure these lines are in your VMs VMX file • ehci.present = TRUE • ehci.pciSlotNumber = xx • Add these lines to your VMX file • ehci:0.present = TRUE • ehci:0.deviceType = disk • ehci:0.fileName = vm-usb-key.vmdk • ehci:0.readonly = FALSE • Save your VMX file and then double click it • Start your VM and format the virtual USB Drive • Here is a writeup of the procedure. • • Check out our book (VMware Workstation Made Easy) that is designed to take your virtualization skills to the next level! • • #vmwareworkstation • #vmware