Leonard Hayflick Identifying Mycoplasma orale 75187
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To hear more of Leonard Hayflick’s stories, go to the playlist: • Leonard Hayflick - Childhood in Penns... • Born in 1928, Leonard Hayflick is known for his research in cell biology, virus vaccine development, and mycoplasmology. His discovery that human cells divide for a limited number of times in vitro has been named after him as the Hayflick limit. [Listener: Christopher Sykes; date recorded: 2011] • TRANSCRIPT: Because the medium that I had developed on which I first grew Mycoplasma pnuemoniae was successful in that respect, I and most people in the field began to think that that media formulation should be used universally and it was and, in fact, still is. It's called under my name 'Hayflick's medium', which is customary. And, of course, it's been modified over the years by people who tweak the formulation one way or another, but in any case it's still widely... widely used. The other aspect of this story is that... because this media seemed to be so, so good, I had been testing other sources of mycoplasmas and as I indicated earlier, was testing for friends, samples sent to me. • During the course of testing those samples, I isolated several organisms that I couldn't identify. And during my efforts to identify it and I should say parenthetically that while doing all of this, I'm still working with the human diploid cells and they are... on which I'm spending the majority of my time and only incidentally working with the mycoplasmas, so other people, by this time, were attracted to the field because of this discovery and began working... to work with these organisms and someone else isolated the same organism that I had isolated unknowingly and named it Mycoplasma orale which is a very common mycoplasma species found in the throats of humans. Mycoplasmas are found in about 25% of normal people's throats. So finding a mycoplasma there is no surprise, but this was a new species and because I was so busy with other things, I really couldn't focus on this identifying what later turned out to be a major organism found in human throats, Mycoplasma orale.