Life Is In the Details
Subscribe to the Meaningful Life Center YouTube Channel for more • 🔔 • Details, details, details.. All of our lives are comprised of so many minute specifics, obligations to our home, family, friends, work and even to ourselves. We often get overwhelmed simply by the pressure, expectations and demands of these daily routines, known as the daily grind for a reason. • It sounds nice in theory to be told that we must step back and see the forest for the trees, get beyond the minutiae and look at the big picture -- and allow the big picture to inform the particulars. • Great advice! And yet, life goes on, often at a 90 mph pace, not leaving us much room to pause and breathe. Every morning we wake up bombarded with our to-do lists, details necessary to get through the daily rat race, but overwhelming and often anxiety inducing at the same time. • How can we actually -- and responsibility -- take care of all the details in an effective way, but (and here's the million dollar question!) instead of the details controlling us, we control them? Is that even possible? Does my life simply consist of random moving parts or can I find purpose in each piece? • William Blake put it so beautifully, To see a World in a Grain of Sand, And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand. And Eternity in an hour. • But how? • Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson in this exciting workshop as you discover the beauty in the details, how you can see the greatest of the great in the smallest of the small, and how you can combine all the tiny parts of our day to create the most magnificent big picture. And how you can indeed experience the infinite in the finite and the eternal in the moment. • Let’s connect: • 🌐Website - • 📷 Instagram – / • 👍Facebook – / meaningfullifecenter • 💼LinkedIn – / simonjacobson1 • 📧Email – [email protected] • 💬WhatsApp – 347-766-7558 • Rabbi Simon Jacobson is a pioneering speaker, educator and mentor to thousands. He is the Dean and Founder of The Meaningful Life Center, coined The Spiritual Starbucks by the New York Times, which bridges the secular and the spiritual. He is the author of the best-selling book Toward a Meaningful Life (💎 which has sold over 300,000 copies and been translated into 13 different languages. With his keen insight into the human condition, and over 35 years of experience, he has the unique ability to offer clarity and direction especially in difficult times. • Rabbi Jacobson and the MLC have been lauded for creating non-stop programming nourishing people's hearts and souls. Please donate or sponsor a class, to help us continue and expand this life-affirming work 💓 • • #MeaningfulLifeCenter #AppliedKabbalah