Doing a rope solo rock climb ascent in the Verdon
Doing a great job with those self-interviews while ropesoloing 😂 • Shot in the route “El Pilar del Cantábrico” – Rope Solo one day/first day ascent! ✅ • 8a+ / 500m / 15pitches / Picu Urreillu • After sending Rayu in a day with @sebertheclimber I was still hungry for more! Seb was psyched to try Orbayu so I decided to go on a solo mission. “El Pilar” is one of the first hard free climbs on the steep wall of Picu Urreillu and has seen several free ascents by now, but never a free ‘ropesolo’ ascent! The protection of this route adds to the spice because it originally is an aid climb. Most of the route is equipped with ‘burilles’, old non-expansion nails used for aidclimbing, cams and rope threats. • Thanks @shakemyview for the Reel Edit! • @team_edelrid • @thenorthface @thenorthface_climb @thenorthfaceuk @lasportivagram @lasportivafrance @lasportivaspain • #neverstopexploring #verticalfreedom #ropesolo #ropesoloclimbing #climbing #bigwall #escalade #grimper #escalar #multilargo #picosdeeuropa