How to Remove Weather and News Widget from Taskbar in Windows 10
This video guides about how to disable news and interests widgets from taskbar in windows 10. • Removing the Weather and News widget from your Windows 10 taskbar can help declutter your workspace, reduce distractions, and improve system performance. • To learn how to remove weather and news widget from taskbar in windows 10, simply follow the step-by-step guide. • Here are the Steps to Turn Off News and Weather from Windows 10 Taskbar: • 1. Right-click on any empty space on your taskbar. • 2. Hover your cursor over News and interests . • 3. Select Turn off from the sub-menu. • The Weather and News widget is gone! Your taskbar is now cleaner and less cluttered. • So that's how to remove weather and news widget from taskbar in windows 10. • Ask me in the comments section below in case of any issue during the whole process. • #windows10 • #windows10tutorial • #weatherupdate • #techrelatedtips • How do I hide the weather on my taskbar Windows 10 • How do I remove Widgets from the taskbar in Windows 10 • How do I remove the News from the taskbar in Windows 10 • How do I remove the temperature monitor from my taskbar Windows 10 • How do I get rid of the News and interests widget in Windows 10 • How do I disable Widgets in Windows 10 • How do I turn off News in Microsoft Widgets • How to turn off News and interests Windows 10