Byzantine Iconography School
Byzantine iconography school: • The school of Byzantine iconography which is run by Theodoros Papadopoulos gives you the opportunity to learn the sacred art of Byzantine iconography. By taking the classes you give yourself the chance to get acquainted with all the ancient and modern techniques, which will assist you to become a knowledgeable iconographer. • The classes are for all levels, from beginners to professional iconographers, from Greece and other countries. • For further information visit the official website of Theodoros Papadopoulos: • or contact us at the following e-mail: • [email protected] • • (Byzantine painting Christian Orthodox icons, Hand-made icons, iconography, hagiography, Iconografia, Byzantine iconography. • Αγιογραφία, Αγιογραφίες, Βυζαντινή αγιογραφία, αγιογράφοι, Βυζαντινή τέχνη, Βυζαντινές εικόνες, ορθόδοξη εικόνα, τοιχογραφίες, Χριστός, Παναγία, άγιος, άγία, αγιογράφος, iconology, iconography, icon painting, icons, russian icons, byzantine, byzantine icons, egg tempera, tempera, theology, philosophy, Jesus Christ, byzantine art, art, religious, orthodox, christian, paint, drawing, orthodox christian, православных икон