Bow Hunting Hogs Lead Sow 2 pigs 1 trip
4 archery Hog hunting tips you should know - Muzzy Trocar HB broadhead. • If you're in a hurry: 1st hog shot @ (05:50) and 2nd hog shot @ (08:00) • This is one of my recent Texas hog hunting videos from my lease using my Bowtech Insanity CPX compound bow, Easton FMJ 340 arrows, Spot Hogg Tommy hog sight, Muzzy Trocar HB and Wac'em 3 blade expandable broadhead. • In this video I provide 4 hog hunting tips that I think are very important for beginners and experienced hunters alike when hunting feral hogs. The video demonstrates the importance of arrow shot placement and selection of broadhead. One of the hogs was harvested very quickly with excellent shot placement and a very effective broadhead while the 2nd hog was lost despite good shot placement but poor performance of the broadhead. The video contains images that include blood and flesh of the hog while I was skinning and processing to demonstrate the effectiveness of the Muzzy Trocar HB broadhead. These images are also included to indicate to the viewer that the pork was kept for consumption. • Not included in the video were my extensive efforts to track and find the 2nd hog that were ultimately unsuccessful. I don't take losing an animal lightly but it is important to highlight the fact that this does happen in hunting situations (bow or rifle). It is on us as responsible hunters to make the best shot we can and make the best effort to recover an animal but sometimes things don't work out despite out best efforts. • Thanks for watching, • Strix Outdoors • • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Amazon FreeTime - Access to Great Kids Content - Free trial • Try Amazon Audible - it's Free • • Try Amazon Audible • • • Open an Amazon Business Account: • • • Try Amazon Prime for Free!! • • • Try Amazon Music Unlimited for Free!! •