Recipe for Life The Yeast of Politics


Mark 8:15 (AMPC): • And He repeatedly and expressly charged and admonished them, saying, Look out; keep on your guard and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod. • In this verse, Jesus warns His disciples about the leaven of the Pharisees and Herod. Here, leaven (or yeast) represents the corrupting influence of both religious and political leaders. In a spiritual sense, leaven symbolizes how small, harmful ideas or attitudes, if left unchecked, can permeate and distort larger systems and beliefs. Jesus cautions His followers to remain vigilant against these influences. • Applying Mark 8:15 to Today’s Political Climate • Discernment Against Corruption • Jesus' warning serves as a call to remain vigilant and discerning in today’s political environment. Just as the Pharisees represented religious leaders who became self-righteous, power-driven, and legalistic, some political leaders may become similarly driven by personal or party agendas rather than the well-being of the people. We should be wary of leaders who prioritize power over principles, and who focus more on appearances than on genuine justice or mercy. • The Influence of Partisan Agendas • Leaven spreads quickly and affects the whole batch of dough. In the political realm, certain ideologies or agendas, once seeded, can influence systems and individuals, creating division and skewing truth. We are called to be wise in recognizing when an agenda is steering away from serving the community’s best interests, instead fostering division or intolerance. Jesus encourages us to hold on to truth and righteousness rather than following any political leaven that may cause harm. • Guarding Against Hypocrisy • The Pharisees were known for their outward displays of piety but often lacked genuine compassion or justice. Similarly, in the political sphere, leaders may make promises and present moral ideals, but we must observe their actions to discern whether they align with their words. Jesus’s caution reminds us not to be swayed by appearances but to look for genuine, action-based leadership that seeks the good of the people. • Advocacy for Truth and Justice • Jesus’s message points us to the values of truth and justice. In the current climate, misinformation and political manipulation can easily spread, much like leaven in dough. As followers of Christ, we are encouraged to advocate for honesty, accountability, and transparency. Rather than contributing to divisive narratives, we can seek to uphold truth and foster unity, remembering that our ultimate allegiance is to God’s kingdom values. • • Old Testament Lawmakers • In the Old Testament, God established a system of laws and governance primarily through leaders He appointed, many of whom were prophets, judges, and kings rather than traditional lawmakers. However, there were figures who played significant roles in establishing or interpreting laws for the people of Israel: • Moses • Moses is the most prominent lawgiver in the Old Testament. God gave him the Ten Commandments and the Law (Torah), which laid the foundation for the moral, ceremonial, and civil laws governing Israel. Moses acted as an intermediary, receiving laws directly from God and communicating them to the people. His role was unique because he did not create laws from his own ideas but rather conveyed divine instructions. • Joshua • Joshua led Israel after Moses and played a role in upholding and reinforcing the laws given through Moses. While not a lawmaker in the traditional sense, he guided the people in adhering to God’s commands and settling disputes as they conquered and divided the Promised Land. • Judges • After Joshua, Israel was governed by a series of judges, including Deborah, Gideon, and Samson. These judges didn’t create laws but were responsible for enforcing God’s laws, delivering Israel from oppression, and acting as both military and spiritual leaders. Their role in governance was more about interpretation and application rather than lawmaking. • Prophets • Prophets like Samuel, Nathan, and Isaiah often spoke to the nation and its leaders, calling them to repentance and adherence to God’s laws. They did not create new laws but reminded the people of God’s standards and sometimes acted as advisors to kings, ensuring the nation’s leaders stayed aligned with God’s commands. • Kings • Kings like David, Solomon, and Hezekiah had authority to govern and sometimes set decrees, but they were still expected to follow and enforce the Mosaic Law. Solomon, for example, established guidelines for worship and governance, while David instituted administrative changes. However, they were not lawmakers in the modern sense; rather, they upheld and interpreted the existing covenant laws. • Priests and Levites • Priests and Levites helped enforce ceremonial laws and guided people in religious matters. They played a crucial role in teaching the Law and in maintaining rituals that kept the nation in alignment with the covenant.


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