SyFy Returns to SciFi with 3001 amp More
Syfy finally admitted it - they messed up. They shouldn't have cancelled Battlestar Galactica, nor strayed away from science fiction! so now, the network is going to take steps back to sci-fi with new mini-series like 3001: The Final Odyssey with Ridley Scott onboard! Why the about-face? Kim Horcher, Ivan van Norman (King of the Nerds), and Jenna Busch (Legion of Leia) discuss! • Read more: • ************************************************** • SUBSCRIBE and you won't miss a single Nerd Alert! • On Facebook: / nerdalerttyt • ON TWITTER: • / jennabusch • / hydra_lord • / nerdalerttyt • / insomniacgames • / kimscorcher • Nerd Alert: Bringing you tech news, gaming, geek culture and more every day of the week with host Kim Horcher and friends. Part of the TYT Network of shows. • / nerdalert