कादम्बरी पूर्वभागः कथा पाठः १२० Tamil Lecture
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#Kadambari #Bana #Banabhatta #gadya #prose • Kādambarī written by Baṇabhaṭṭa, is the pinnacle of gadya literature in Samskṛtam. It is a work that amazes both a proficient and a beginner of the field: for, it is said बाणोच्छिष्ठं जगत् सर्वम् • (Explanation in Tamil by Smt P. R. Gayathri) • पाठः १२० — चतुर्मुखशिवमहाश्वेतयोः वर्णना • A condensed version - Kādambarī saṅgraha • • Kadambari sangraha • The text with a commentary by Shri Krishna Mohan Shastri • https://archive.org/details/in.gov.ig...