Mega Man X4 Sigma No Damage Buster Only Final Boss Ending


Final confrontation with Sigma from Mega Man X4 for the Playstation PSX. No damage taken, buster only (Stock Charge). Features ending and staff credits. Although there are three distinct phases during this encounter, Sigma actually has four forms, and thus four health meters to take care of. His first form requires Rising Fire, the buster simply reflects off him regardless of where it hits. His second phase is exactly what we would expect from Sigma. He performs nearly all of his attacks from the center of the room. In fact, he rarely wanders from the center at all. When he winds back to throw his sickle, position yourself near a wall, so that it sticks in place on a wall. This way, the electric charges won't flow onto the floor. The only attack here posing any threat is when he employs those damn boomerangs. They track X so you'll need to be constantly moving. This can prove difficult due to Sigma and his sickle taking up so much space in the room already, it can be hard to find enough space to maneuver. I recommend climbing then falling down a wall while the boomerangs are in mid-air. Sigma's final two forms are rather tricky. He will rotate between two entities: a mechanical face, and a huge Sigma-cyborg! The face is kindof creepy btw. And each has it's own health meter. Now, there is another important element here: the heads. The heads attack X after each of Sigma's forms momentarily disappears. So...the face will appear, disappear, then the heads attack. The cyborg appears and disappears then the heads attack, then the face again, and so on. The heads can be destroyed, but will respawn rather quickly so don't waste your time. Once one of Sigma's entities is destroyed, the remaining form will rotate with the heads. The heads also act a platforms. You'll need them to reach the cyborg's weak points- it's head and upper chest area. The mechanical face is only vulnerable when the mouth is open, and even then only to charged shots. The timing is very precise, and I found myself only able to damage it once per appearance much of the time. Ground Hunter works well here, as well as the Plasma shot. Sigma's last phase is mind numbingly difficult to pull off no-damage. It's a real cluster-fuck when he sends that debris flying in every direction. • ~Sigma~ • Reaper Form 0:22 • Second Phase 0:59 • Final Cyborg Form 2:21 • Megaman X4 Stage Select •    • Mega Man X4: Stage Select   • • • • Comments, requests, and suggestions are always welcome! All music/sound copyright Capcom. let's play listen megaman rock mmx4 speed run perfect final stage fast hit final last boss stage sigma stock stock buster new weapon mega man x4 no damage speed run final stage buster only


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