How To Change Wiper Blades On A Toyota Corolla
This is How To Change Wiper Blades On A Toyota Corolla car. • Changing the wiper blades on the Toyota Corolla is easy to do. First, you have to buy the correct size wiper blades, and then undo the fastener to remove them from the wiper arm, and put the new blades on. If you want to know how to do it yourself, replacing the wiper blades on your Toyota corolla car, watch this video. Here are the steps to replace the windshield wiper blades on a Toyota Corolla. • 1. Lift the wiper arms up. • 2. Undo the retaining mechanism on the wiper blade, and slide the windshield wiper assembly down to pull it free from the wiper arm. • 3. Slide the new windshield wiper blade onto the wiper arm. • 4. Fasten the retaining hardware to secure the new wiper blade onto the wiper arm. • 5. Fold the wiper arm down onto the windshield. • Here's where to get new wiper blades for your Toyota Corolla. •