2016 AirPower Over Hampton Roads F22 Raptor Demonstration
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F-35A Lightning II • F-22 Raptor Demonstration • USAF Heritage Flight • 2016 AirPower Over Hampton Roads • Joint Base Langley-Eustis • Hampton, Virginia • Sunday April 24, 2016 • http://www.zingeraviation.com • There's three parts to this video: • 1. Major Will D-Rail Andreotta, the Air Force’s F-35A Lightning II Heritage Flight Team Commander and pilot from Luke AFB in Arizona, takes to the skies with the F-35A Lightning II and heads back to join Jim Beasley, Jr. and his P-51D Mustang. • 2. Maj. Dan Rock Dickinson takes to the skies to fly an outstanding F-22 Raptor demonstration for the home crowd. • 3. Finally, Rock and D-Rail have joined up with Jim Beasley, Jr. for a Heritage Flight. This is supposed to be a four-ship Heritage Flight with a P-38, but we did not have the P-38 at Langley on Friday. The F-35A did perform one moderate speed burner pass after the Heritage Flight - it is, however, my understanding the F-35A is not approved to do any demonstration related maneuvers as the aircraft is not fully capable to do so in a safe manner. • I apologize for any shakiness in the video and the picture appearing to shake violently as there was a considerable amount of camera trouble throughout the day. This is due to a sensor issue. • Please also note any music in the video was played through a public address system and ZINGER AVIATION MEDIA does not have any control over what is played during an airshow. • You can find thousands of additional videos and so much more aviation- and airshow-related content at ZINGER AVIATION MEDIA - http://www.zingeraviation.com .