♥♣ Fortune Telling amp Tarot with Regular Cards ♠♦

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Playing Card Tarot Cheat Sheet: https://forum.spells8.com/t/fortune-t... • If you have a deck of poker cards you can do a simple reading by combining the meanings of each suit and the number in the card. I've designed a printable cheatsheet for Playing-Card Tarot . • Have you ever tried to do a Tarot reading with (regular) playing cards? This is my entry for this week's Weekly Challenge in the Spells8 Forum: https://forum.spells8.com/t/weekly-wi... • How to read Tarot with regular cards? • The four suits in the Poker deck fit each of the four suits in a regular Tarot deck. Each suit will have a specific meaning, for interpreting general aspects of the spread. Any type of Tarot spread will work. • You can also learn more about Tarot in the Whole Tarot Video Course: https://spells8.com/courses/whole-tar... • Fortune Telling with Regular Cards: • ♣ Clubs are like the wands in the Tarot deck. They represent fire. Fire is action, work, and growth as the leaves in the wand grow. • ♦ Diamonds are the element Earth. They represent money, finances, the material world, and also stability and health. • ♥ Hearts are Cups, the symbol of water. It has to do with emotions and feelings. Relationships and family. • ♠ Spades are Swords. The element Air, of Reason and the intellect. It can also mean conflict or challenges. • Note: Some people alternate the elements Air and Fire, depending on their tradition. • The suits act as general aspects or spheres of influence, and each number represents a stage or scenario in that field. Tarot with regular cards: • Ace: Beginning and initiatives. • 2: Balance, union and cooperation. • 3: Creativity and movement. • 4: Stability, security, matters of the family. • 5: Challenges, conflict or risk. • 6: Harmony and communication. • 7: Mystery, wisdom, or making a choice. • 8: Self-mastery and inspiration. • 9: Growth and manifestation. • 10 Completion and renewal. • When reading regular cards, if we see a face card 🃏 it’s telling us about a person. • Jack: A young person (male, female or other). A messenger. • Queen: Older woman such as a mother figure. Intuitive • King: Older man such as a father figure. Expressive. • Joker: The Fool. Adventurous, inexperienced, curious for learning and exploring.


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