How To Match Colors With Acrylics


In this video, I demonstrate how to match colors with acrylic paint. I use professional grade acrylics to match color swatches from the Liquitex Basics color chart. The colors I match are: • 1:07 Primary Yellow • 3:39 Light Blue Permanent • 5:31 Ivory Black • 9:35 Neutral Gray 5 • 10:56 Burnt Sienna • 12:41 Bright Aqua Green (Turquoise) • 14:58 Medium Magenta • 17:36 Cadmium Orange Hue • Acrylics have a tendency to dry darker and when I match the Medium Magenta I demonstrate how to compensate for this. You basically have to dry it and then make adjustments. I match the rest of the colors while they're wet to save time. • How precise you are with your color matching is up to you. Some of the colors that I mix are close to being an exact match, whereas I left a few that were slightly off. For example, the Burnt Sienna is darker and I think the Neutral Gray 5 could use more yellow. • Visit my blog for more tutorials •


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