BlackwaterDnD Campaign 2 Episode 64 The Costs of Civil War
The Siege of Silverwatch comes with a price... • Welcome to BlackwaterDnD's Campaign Two, in proud partnership with @Questkeep! • Our story features Tim (he/him) as our illustrious DM, Em (fae/faer) as Shy, Triton Tidal Soul Monk; Jannes (he/him) as Thistle Longbranch, Piney Circle of the Moon Druid; Adam (he/him) as Esper Declan, Hexblood Phantom Rogue/College of Spirits Bard; Sean (he/him) as Mark Dwyler, Human Aberrant Mind Sorcerer; and Jess (she/her) as Mirielle Fiamma, Fire Genasi Trickery Cleric! • We are thrilled to announce Godkiller: Balance, sponsored by Hero Forge Moonbeam, the sequel series to our Godkiller: Oblivion podcast! Starring Gina Susanna and Jannes, Em is thrilled to welcome everyone back into the Cradle for another tale as the universe hurtles towards it's end. Check out our announcement, and go listen to Godkiller: Oblivion, which is out now wherever pods are cast! Balance drops August 9th. • Our Main Campaign is now available in podcast form wherever pods are cast, so consider subscribing, rating and leaving a review! We also have a Patreon where patrons can get access to behind the scenes content, a patrons-only discord channel, exclusive series (the return of Chatwater!), and much more! Our Patreon exclusive series, Godkiller: OBLIVION, featuring Jannes and Christian Navarro, is now available at our free tier! Come check it out at ! • Main Campaign episodes will be LIVE on Monday nights at 8pm PST at - come join in our live chat for some delightful good times. • • A big thank you to our fantastic sponsors and partners! All our music is credited to (licensing link: , and Epidemic Sound. Thanks to Syrinscape for our atmosphere and sound because epic games deserve epic sound! Art by the amazing @miss._marston on Instagram! We're also thrilled to be partnered with Familiar Dice, maker of artisanal math rocks for all your clickity-clackity needs. Check them out on instagram @familiardice. Supporting these awesome creators helps support us so that we can keep playing this crazy D D game we love. • Finally, we'd like to take a moment to encourage our viewers to donate to reputable organizations that take a stand and support the fight against racism, oppression, and injustice. We at Blackwater stand with those who persist in the face of terrorism, hate crime, brutality and violence, and encourage others to educate themselves on how to be an ally in these uncertain times. We commit to fighting violence at both individual and systemic levels, and champion the voices and stories of those who have been silenced for so long. As well, please consider donating to organizations that champion BIMPOC LGBTQIA2S+ folx and the fight for equality regardless of who you are and who you love. Because whoever you are, and however you roll, we love you. • • Session date: July 15th, 2024 • In game date: 27th Iolanthe, 2438 (just past midnight) - 27th Iolanthe, 2438 (very early hours)