Choice Animation
The oven was never off, the doors never locked. His skin and hair was wrong, and he wanted to claw it all off. He couldn’t show up to work anymore. He couldn't really do anything. • // • I've had onset OCD for ten years, and that’s what this animation is about. When I was younger, I discovered this song and made my first ever animation to it. Since then, each year I've reanimated it. It started off as a vent, at the time I didn’t know I had OCD but the internal conflict Jack shows in this song spoke to me like nothing else. When I got diagnosed it became more clear why I liked the song so much. • The idea there is two versions of me, my true sane self and my neurotic OCD self is something I consider a lot. It feels like we are two different people sewn into the same body. And we fight a lot for who gets their hands on the wheels. • When you live with OCD, a lot of the time you feel like you make the choice to feel bad. There is something in you that tells you stupid things, and it’s hard to ignore them. recognizing that this is a mental disorder that I am suffering from… I found I could make the choice to learn to persevere. Meds, therapy, cognitive reconstruction. It’s tough but I’ve gotten better. Far from cured, but better. The choice to stay is the hardest choice some people can make, but it will pay off. • Songs: • Richter - Jack Stauber • • Choice