DIY Neon Light
What's up guysss! So today I'm going to show you how to make this fake neon light. • First off quick thank you to Squarespace for sponsoring this video. If you guys need to make a website.. go ahead and make it RAD with Squarespace. • So frist thing you need to do is find an image or a line drawing. You need to be able to connect all the lines so its one continuous image. Sooo.. that wouldn't work. You need to be able to draw the whole thing with out lifting your marker. • Next I took my EL wire. this is whats going to be lighting up the neon light. Make sure that it will be long enough. • I'm using a heat gun to melt and bend the pipe. • I also threaded some string through the pipe to pull the EL Wire through the pipe. • When bending the pipe, it works best if you heat up the side that you will be bending in. • First thing I was working on was the little hand.. then the black part (which is the connecting part) and I bent this behind the hand. • It's just a lot of marking, heating the pipe, and bending it to fit your drawing. • So this lil process took me a while to figure out.. and I had to keep cutting the pipe and starting again.. I did it so much that I didn't have enough pipe to finish the neon sign.. so I had to start again. • And it was a good thing cause when I then tried to use the string to pull the EL wire through the bent pipes I could not do it!!! • So I tried using the string to pull the EL wire through while the pipe is straight, and heating it up while the EL wire is inside.. and that worked:) • I got it all bent to shape. Then to get rid of the markings I just used some acetone to remove the marks. • You can cut off all the excess EL wire and it will still work.. but on the other side where it plugs in, I needed to get rid of the extra piping with out cutting the EL wire. I just used a rotary tool to get the wire out. • I then used some transparent white spray paint to give it a more glowing effect. It did dim the light though. I didn't have the best coating so you could see the mistakes when it was lit up.. • But.. moving on. • Next to paint the little connectors where I don't want light to shine through. I used black acrylic paint. • I then spray painted the cord that was sticking out and glowing.. and it look good:) • So there you have it.. you can now make a neon sign of what ever you want: a ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ , quote, pineapple, cactus, flamingo, butt, hello gorgeous.. ect. • My only issue is the little transformer thing.. it makes this obnoxios buzzing sound so I wrapped it with cloth and electric tape.. but it still buzzed.. so I think I'll just hang the light by a plant and plant the transformer in the dirt... • If I were to do this project again I think I would have made the letters bigger. Doing the small little corners was a paaaaain! and to just do that little font it took 6' of piping :S so.. plan ahead guys:) • A HUGE thank you to all you who have supported me on Patreon and to Squarespace. If you guys need a web site, an online portfolio, or a place to sell your stuff.. Squarespace is a rad place to do that. I've been with them for a while and they just keep on making the templates and the tools better to make my life easier. So what ever you do make your next move with Squarespace: • Supplies::) • EL wire: • Tubing: • Spray paint: • Heat gun (its not the same one I used.. but what I would use it had to buy a new one..): • A rad plant: • Music: • My dude 'S i M let me use his stuff for this video. go check him out. / simprod • S i M - STBB#487 • S i M - ErO.s • Follow me and watch the art process: • Instagram: / shmoxd • Twitter: / shmoxd • Spotify: • Facebook: / shmoxd • Buy some stufffff from me: • • Subscribe: • Like. Comment. Share.. or what ever.. ¯\\_ (ツ) _/¯