Black Mesa 10 Gameplay Launch Trailer


A step-by-step Walkthrough of Apprehension (Black Mesa, Chapter 9), played through Steam, on the Hard difficulty setting, with maximum graphical detail. • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Please remember to subscribe to get the latest updates! :D • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Subscribe: • Twitter:   / bigmacdavis1   • Patreon:   / bigmacdavis   • PayPal: • -------------------------------- • After launching the satellite into space, Gordon goes back underground and uses (or doesn't use) a tram to continue forward. After getting past three Marines, and after navigating the long, watery maze afterward, he enters a room and witnesses a scientist being eaten by an Icthyosaur. Continuing around the pool, he finds another scientist who tells him of a tranquilizer gun in a shark cage suspended over the water, although he is doubtful as to whether it will work on the beast. After Gordon drops into the cage, it falls into the water, giving him a few precious seconds to kill the Icthyosaur and surface for air. • Once this task is accomplished, he continues, fighting his way through more aliens and two more Ichthyosaurs, and passing through a suit-sapping freezer, until he goes up an elevator and is immediately attacked by Black-Ops Assassins. After defeating them, he walks into a room and is ambushed by two military grunts, who knock him out cold, confiscate his hard-earned weapons, and drag him to a topside trash compactor. They activate the crushing walls, giving Gordon little time to climb up the crates of trash to freedom. He finds a Crowbar, breaks a vent into a drainage pipe, and continues into Residue Processing. • ------------------- • Black Mesa • ------------------- • You can download Black Mesa here: • • Chapter 1: Black Mesa Inbound:    • (obsolete) Black Mesa (100%) Walkthro...   • Chapter 2: Anomalous Materials:    • Black Mesa (100%) Walkthrough (Chapte...   • Chapter 3: Unforeseen Consequences:    • Black Mesa (100%) Walkthrough (Chapte...   • Chapter 4: Office Complex:    • Black Mesa (100%) Walkthrough (Chapte...   • Chapter 5: We've Got Hostiles:    • Black Mesa (100%) Walkthrough (Chapte...   • Chapter 6: Blast Pit:    • Black Mesa (100%) Walkthrough (Chapte...   • Chapter 7: Power Up:    • Black Mesa (100%) Walkthrough (Chapte...   • Chapter 8: On A Rail:    • Black Mesa (100%) Walkthrough (Chapte...   • Chapter 9: Apprehension:    • Black Mesa (100%) Walkthrough (Chapte...   • Chapter 10: Residue Processing: • Chapter 11: Questionable Ethics: • Chapter 12: Surface Tension: • Chapter 13: Forget About Freeman: • Chapter 14: Lambda Core: • Chapter 15: Xen: • Full Playlist:    • (obsolete) Black Mesa (100%) Walkthrough   • --------------------------- • Classic Half-Life • --------------------------- • Half-Life:    • Half-Life (100%) Walkthrough   • A science fiction first-person shooter developed and published by Valve. The player takes the perspective of scientist Gordon Freeman. After an experiment that goes horribly awry when an unexpected Resonance Cascade rips dimensional seams that devastate the facility, Gordon must fight to escape the now alien-infested facility. • Opposing Force:    • Half-Life: Opposing Force (100%) Walk...   • The player returns to Black Mesa as Corporal Adrian Shephard, one of the soldiers sent in to eliminate the civilians from the original game. On an undisclosed mission to Black Mesa, things don't quite go as planned, and Shephard gets separated from his unit at the beginning of the game. • Blue Shift:    • Half-Life: Blue Shift (100%) Walkthrough   • The player returns to the setting and timeline of the original story, but with a different player character: the ubiquitous Black Mesa Research Facility security guard Barney Calhoun. As Barney, the player attempts to escape the alien invasion caused by the resonance cascade and the ensuing military cover-up. • Half-Life 2:    • Half-Life 2 (100%) Walkthrough   • Taking place in and around City 17 sometime in the near future, Half-Life 2 follows the scientist Gordon Freeman. Gordon is thrust into an unfamiliar environment by the mysterious G-Man, in which the aftermath of the Black Mesa Incident has come to bear fully upon human society. Freeman is forced to battle against increasingly unfavorable odds in order to free Mankind from interdimensional invaders known as the Combine. • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Please remember to subscribe to get the latest updates! :D • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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