Stucco fog coating
Stucco fog coating. • Folks, we are located in Oakland, Ca. • Howdy Folks, all the basic tools we use and recommend on Amazon's website. • • Live long and plaster hats, shirts, and other cool stuff. • Kirk Giordano Plastering Inc. • For immediate bids, send pictures to Jay or myself at our sites below. • Kirk’s website. • Jason’s Website. • FYI, A maintenance-free finish is one that never needs painting. • Think of red brick. When wet, this brick darkens; when dryer conditions return, it lightens to its original color. • Two more fog-coating videos below where the wall did have a chance to dry. • coating stucco walls to uniform stucco colors. • • How to fog coat a stucco color finish... How to fog coat a stucco color finished wall. • Can I fogcoat my stucco walls? What causes color variations in finished stucco? • Spray on a stucco fog coat, Fog coating stucco • Skip to the end of the video to see the fog coat and not hear technical stuff. • Howdy, guys and gals, In this video, I explain how to fog out 2 patches that appear darker than the rest of the newly applied stucco. • The cement used on these two patches differed from the rest throughout the home. • We, stucco guys, call these ghosting images or effects. • Remember that fog coats are just water and color pigmentations; they can help discolored areas but can’t change the color of any hoses. • It’s not the first time I have seen this, and it won’t be the last. • However, it’s simple to correct. • Fog coating is used on large walls where many fellas spread color finishes on different levels. So many times, the scaffold joints will show. • Different sections on the wall, weather, heat, and especially water play an important part in color uniformity, not to mention many guys simply working and not paying attention to teamwork. • The other time is for a similar purpose; for example, a wall was too wet in certain areas and really dry in others, and the person in charge did not mist it uniformly, nor did he understand all the natural effects in play. • Happens to all plastering fellas a time or two before learning begins, and even time after 30 years in, as one can't be aware of all things at all times. • The main method of application when fog coating is to spray a maximum of two or possibly three separate fog coats. This is usually the most a wall can absorb of colored stucco water, or you may get a powdery residue. If you spray one fat coat, a powdery residue will also remain. • What’s the big deal about this remaining residue?