Jp1 x FTDI Interface Cable
JP1.x Interface assembly using an FTDI chipset USB TTL Serial Adapter For use with UEI flash type remotes. • Instructions were found on this thread in the JP1 forums.: • • The cable I used was sold on ebay by chip_partner • • The black single pin ends on the cable could have been super glued together to form a 6 pin connector block. And obviously they could be used individually without any connection just by connecting the 4 single pin connectors. But for best results I'd recommend a 6 pin 2x3 wire connector housing like these: • • For shrink tubing I used a piece of 3/16 that shrunk to 3/32 . I have no idea what size the piece that fits over the end used, it just needed to fit easily over the piece, and then will shrink to 1/2 its side when heated. If you want to go that route just know that in general the inner diameter will shrink up to 1/2 its size when heated.