God said no…

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=cLxSPTucqi0

Share this with a friend, family member or loved one so you too can do the will of our father and help strengthen the kingdom of heaven. But I also say to you my brothers and sisters don’t just say you’re a Christian just because you’re family is Christian and don’t just say you believe in god just to believe in god do it because you genuinely seek god and want a relationship with him. I say to you follow god on your own accord not because someone else is doing it read the word on your own for the lord has gave us all a choice he doesn’t force becoming a Christian or following him on us he knocks on the door gently it’s just up to you to answer the door or not take the time and read/listen to the word of god but don’t just read/listen to the word of god but apply it to your day to day life don’t just pray or hear the word just to go back to your day to day life and then come back tomorrow to pray again actually listen to god and what he commands us to do for his path is the right path for if you are not following god you are following sin but I tell you brothers and sisters the main thing about being a Christian is having faith in the lord and what he can do for there is nothing he cannot do, following him to seek a genuine relationship with Christ and not just use him for the promised gift of eternal life or a ticket to heaven follow him and the commands he has for us live everyday by his word and do your absolute best to not deliberately sin but we will always sin none of us are perfect but live everyday trying to reduce sin because you want to do it for him our lord and savior Jesus Christ • - • Follow me for more post like these and watch my Instagram stories to grow in faith with the lord read word from the Bible through daily readings the gospel ✝️ • - • BUT YOU DON’T HAVE TOO I DO THIS FOR GOD NOT THE FAME👆🏽 • - • #god #godisgood #bless #blessings #blessed #jesus #jesuschrist #love #forgiveness #christian #christ #guidance #help #thechosen #jesusislord #jesusisking #christislord #jesuslovesyou #prayer #motivation #motivational #inspirational #viral #holyspirit #foryoupage #goodnessofgod #grace #baptism #gospel #love #church


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