Identify bad electrolytic capacitors


Here is a very rough explanation of how to identify faulty capacitors by eye - what to look for, and roughly how to use either the capacitance function of a multimeter (not every multimeter has this btw) or ideally an ESR (equivalent series resistance) meter to test your suspicions about the condition of a capacitor. • Generally speaking you're looking for bulging at the top of the capacitor, maybe even protruding tissue, or discolouration of the PCB and glue where the caustic or acidic fluid has seeped out. • About that glue - many larger capacitors in portastudios etc are glued to the PCB, the colour and opacity varies, but in most units I've opened its been beige and opaque. The first time I saw this I thought it might be leaking electrolytic fluid and I know from comments and messages that a lot of folks who are new to reapiring their own multitracker are making the same mistake. • Also please note that itis not always visually obvious which capacitors are shorted, open circuit, off value or have high ESR, checking requires testing. But becasue Capacitors are quite cheap to buy in large kits, if you can isolate a problem to a PCB or setion fo a circuit withless than 20 caps on it, it can be a time-efficient gamble to just replace all the capacitors in that circuit rather than troubleshooting on a component by component basis. I find that about 3/4 of the time doign a recap catches niggling electrical issues in old tape recorders etc, and even where it doesn't, because capacitors have a relatively short shelf life you're improving the longevity of the recorder. • ___________________________________________________________________________________ • TETRAKAN - Fix Use Tape Recorders • Overviews; tear-downs; repair vlogs; techniques; tutorials; demo recordings... • ...covering every cassette multitrack recorder ever made!* • *(eventually) •    / tetrakan   • Paypal donations are gratefully accepted via my blog, which also features written articles and free downloads of service manuals;- • • If you would like to make a regular donation check out my Patreon account;- •   / tetrakan   • I prefer to answer questions in the youtube comments where my answers can help more than one person, but if you need to share photos etc, you can message me via facebook. •   / tetrakan   • Tools and equipment I use when repairing portastudios;- • • • ________________________________________________________________________________________


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