Simple Lesson Starter Activities Teaching Ideas Teacher Vlog
Your children arrive to lesson from a break or lunch hyped up, chattering away. It is important that when they enter your classroom they refocus their mind on learning. This can be quite a task and can be challenging. But by engaging children from the moment they enter the room, you can start your lesson, hook them in and focus their minds on the lesson. Here are five simple ways you can do this that can be used in a range of subjects and lessons. • Visit for FREE example texts to inspire your children's writing! • • Follow us on social media: • Instagram: @WAGOLLTeaching • / literacywag. . • Twitter: @WAGOLLTeaching or @LiteracyWAGOLL • / literacywagoll • / wagollteaching • Facebook: LiteracyWAGOLL • / literacywagoll