Life Coaching Example from a Professional Certified Coach
Coaching example from Professional Certified Coach (PCC) Sheeba Varghese from InviteCHANGE. • This sample of a typical coaching session will give you an idea of how a PCC coach takes a client through a coaching call. This call was conducted by Zoom, which is a common way professional coaches work with clients. • Sheeba is the questioner and notice how she helps guide Carl in a session of self-discovery by working through the transition of his relationship with his parents as they get older. • inviteCHANGE is a leading coaching organization and coaching school dedicated to Generative Wholeness. All invite CHANGE coaches are ICF certified at the ACC, PCC or MCC level. • If you are interested in exploring being coached or looking at building a career in coaching, visit • Thank you to Carl for opening up and allowing this session to be recorded. • #Coaching