How to Beat Rockbiter Stonechewer and Acidtooth World of Warcraft Pet Battles


Hey there! Today we'll be going over how to defeat Rockbiter, Stonechewer, and Acidtooth, the pet battle daily quest in your garrison. • I've got three strats for you today. The first is the Infinite Whelpling. There are a bunch of pets with Sleeping Gas, the main damaging attack we'll use, but because this is a dragonkin, every time these guys swap out because they're stunned, you refresh the 50% dragonkin buff. This is strong in this fight because Stonechewer has a large 200+ shell shield and Rockbiter heals himself considerably. Whenever you take damage, it is negated by healing flame. • Our next strat is the undead cleave team. In the video I use the Fossilize hatchling and the Weebomination, but any pet team with bonestorm will work. You can use the Creepy Crate, and pet swap, bonestorm, and Creepy Chomp. Just make sure you don't try to swap again until Stonechewer's shield has come off or it will fail. • If you don't have two undead, just use something that hits really hard like Ragnaros' tidal wave. You should be able to get about 7 hits of that in which will soften up Stonechewer and Acidtooth nicely. :) • The last strat to beat this pet battle is using Grommloc. This guy hits super hard. Has a stun, which pet swaps, and heals every attack and on demand. Even though he doesn't have anything strong versus elemental or humanoid, it's perfect for this fight. You generally want to prioritize stunning over healing since you are faster and can heal after the swap. Hope this helps! Good luck! • Add me! • Twitter:   / ryanaeckles   • G+: • My Blog:


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