Swinging Safari Stephan Elliott Interview

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=cT5bFJjEFnk

A KITSCH CELEBRATION OF THE SEVENTIES • • Those itching for a mega-dose of 1970s suburban nostalgia are going to revel in this colourful, richly detailed, fun-filled, sun-filled kitsch reminiscence from director Stephan Elliott (Priscilla; Easy Virtue; A Few Best Men; Welcome to Woop Woop). • Set in a cozy cul de sac in a coastal Queensland suburb we follow the low-flying fortunes of three families. While the adults tentatively step towards an experiment with the concept of the open marriage, the kids amuse themselves with filmmaking and property destruction. • Spiced with a terrific cast including Guy Pearce, Kylie Minogue, Radha Mitchell, Asha Keddie, Julian McMahon and Jeremy Sims, Elliott delivers a ceaselessly enjoyable trip back to the era of loud moustaches, sunken floors and record selectors. • To his credit, the film does shift gear once these low-rent hedonists realise they are actually meant to be responsible parents. Unlike the vast bulk of Australian comedy films, which can barely sustain one viewing, Surfing Safari definitely holds up to a second helping, if for no other reason than to relish the period detail embedded into each frame, right down to the exploding pyjamas and the boxes of Kentucky Fried Chicken. • Making Swinging Safari took a lot out of Elliott, who at one point thought he was having a heart attack. We had the good fortune of having a very lively face-to-face with him about the film, the 1970s and, of course, critics, some of whom he believes can be too cruel by half. • Eliott is a great conversationalist and loves a bit of verbal biffo. Hence, his language can get a bit colourful. So a caution for sentive ears: he drops the S-bomb a couple of times. He drops the F-bomb only once, but that has been muted. • Please enjoy. • For the interview, please click here: •    • Swinging Safari - Stephan Elliott Int...   • • To watch a trailer for the film, please click here: •    • SWINGING SAFARI Official Trailer  


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