how to safely view the sun or an eclipse and photograph it
Do Not wear glasses OVER your eclipse glasses if you are Farsighted, or wear bifocals, or unsure of either. • Version 2 of photographing the Sun • Pamela who made a Solar filter for a camera using eclipse glasses and a mason jar lid: • • Bored in Kansas Solar camera lens • I have no sponsors, but I have amazon Affiliate links • Amazon Affiliate Links, • BAADER SOLAR FILM • (Amazon Affiliate) • Solar Eclipse Glasses Search • (Amazon Affiliate • Dr Scholls Velcro Shoes • (Amazon Affiliate) • Information on ISO certification for safety • • From the website: • How can you tell if your solar viewer is not safe? You shouldn't be able to see anything through a safe solar filter except the Sun itself or something comparably bright, such as the Sun reflected in a mirror, a sunglint off shiny metal, the hot filament of an unfrosted incandescent light bulb, a bright halogen light bulb, a bright-white LED flashlight (including the one on your smartphone), or an arc-welder's torch. All such sources should appear quite dim through a solar viewer. If you can see lights of more ordinary brightness through your eclipse glasses or handheld viewer, and you're not sure the product came from a reputable vendor, it’s no good.