ReEntry Permit Case Without Biometrics Can I Travel


Can you travel if you applied for a Reentry Permit Travel Document (Form I-131) and travel before the Biometrics appointment? • Get the FREE Ultimate Marriage Green Card Guide Here: • Schedule a Consultation With Me (Fees Apply): [email protected] • Subscribe to the Newsletter: • Live Q A with Immigration Lawyer John Khosravi • Taking Immigration Questions Live, Wednesday @ 5-5:30 PM Pacific Time. • TikTok Live (ImmigrationLawyerJohn), Youtube Live (JQK Law Firm), and on Instagram Live (  / jqklawfirm  ) • TWEET OR SHARE THIS VIDEO: •    • Re-Entry Permit Case Without Biometri...   • Consult with an attorney in private about your case. This general education only. Results Vary. This is an attorney advertisement. Information subject to change. • #ReentryPermit #Biometrics #Travel • #Immigration #Immigrationlaw #Immigrationlawyer • [Question] I filed for a re-entry permit back in March but I still haven't • received my Biometrics appointment. • Can I travel without Biometrics and return to the US to give • my Biometrics when • I receive my appointment? • That's a really good question. Before, up until last • year, I would do that all the time. • I would tell clients, • You got to travel. But you have to be in the US • when you apply for a re-entry permit. But you can leave and • come back. Now, • I was studying the regulations and it's not clear exactly • if that's allowed or not, but it's been practiced • for 10 years, • at least I'm practicing. And I found one webpage • of USCIS where it said you have to stay here the whole time. • But again, I've almost always done re-entry permits like that • where people leave and come back. But judging by the fact • of how President Trump is and stuff, • I don't want you to do that. • I wouldn't advise that anymore. • But if you really • got to leave, then go do it. But you should try to come back within • 6 months. But I can't say for sure because the way they • make these rules is that one day it's okay, one day • it's not, and they don't really tell us. But as I said, for • 10 years I've been doing that exact scenario. But now I • just don't know. And judging by the way the Administration • acts, I'm conservative. I would say don't do that. • So it's really not a good answer, unfortunately. • But that's been the situation. • [Question] So will I abandon my re-entry application if I travel • without Biometrics? What is the penalty if I travel without • the Biometrics? • The penalty would be that you abandoned the case. Whether • they will or not, • I don't know. • There's no clear policy on that because people have been • doing that without problems in the past, unless they change things • without telling us, which is possible. But that would be the • penalty. Now, if you're getting a re-entry permit because you're • going to be outside the country for a long period of time, • well, you can't be out that long. • So you gotta do the things necessary to not make it look • like you abandoned your status, abandoned your residency, so • it's not a problem for • keeping your Green Card. • So consult with an Immigration attorney in private for a more detailed answer • to analyze what your lifestyle is, what you're doing, so you • can find the best avenue on that. • But yeah, if you abandon your re-entry permit application, you • just lost the money on the case about it. But the • consequences are bigger, as that you want to be outside for • a year or 2. That's going to annoy and create problems • for you. • So you want to plan for that. • Thank you for watching. • If you haven't already, please click Subscribe down here • and ring that bell to get the latest updates. Also, • please follow us at the links above on these various • social media sites to catch the latest information, live videos, • and more to help you be updated on US • Immigration.


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