Yogi Ramsuratkumars Love for the Vedas Ma Devaki 260224

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0:00 Yogi Ramsuratkumar Yogi Ramsuratkumar Yogi Ramsuratkumar Jaya Guru Raya - Nama and Rama Chanting • 1:00 Yogi Ramsuratkumar has the Power of all Vedas: Shri Agnihotram Ramanuja Tatachariar, a renowned Vedic scholar, once praised the virtues of Yogi Ramsuratkumar to one of his students, Shri Agnikumar, a professor of Philosophy at Columbia University. Shri Thathacharya felt that it was the grace of Yogiji that had aided him in publishing his book, 'The Eternal Relevance of the Vedas.' When Shri Agnikumar had the Darshan of Bhagavan, he mentioned to Him that his research guide, Shri Agnihotram Thathacharyaji, had asserted that Yogi Ramsuratkumar of Tiruvannamalai possessed all the powers of the Vedas. Yogiji smiled and blessed the professor. • The Eternal Relevance of the Vedas: When Shri Shrinivas Iyengar and his wife, Smt. Ranganayaki, went for Darshan of Yogi Ramsuratkumar in Sannidhi Street House, He blessed Smt. Ranganayaki with raised hands and said that she would be involved in rewriting Indian history from the Vedic times. After this blessing, Shri Thathacharya approached her with help toward the translation of his book – ‘The Eternal Relevance of the Vedas’. Yogiji not only blessed each and every page of the book by stroking it and signing Om at the end of each chapter, but also had the entire work read out to Him. • Yogi Ramsuratkumar’s Vedic Knowledge: Yogi Ramsuratkumar's Vedic expertise: When Vedic Pandit Ramanathan Ganapadigal visited Bhagwan at His Sannidhi Street House, Bhagwan asked him to recite the Vedas. Upon completion, Bhagwan pointed out an error in the recitation. Despite the Pandit's initial disagreement, Bhagwan advised him to verify his book. Upon inspection, the Pandit discovered his mistake and promptly returned to Bhagwan to apologize. • Prayer • This is the official channel of Yogi Ramsuratkumar Ashram, Tiruvannamalai. We stream live chanting daily at 6am and 6:15pm by Ma Devaki Mataji. • This channel features videos of Bhagwan Shri Yogi Ramsuratkumar, Ashram functions, Chants, Songs, Satsangs. • Yogi Ramsuratkumar was a hidden saint who lived as a beggar on the streets of Tiruvannamalai. In His quest for a Guru and the Truth, He travelled to South India where He met His three Gurus : Sri Aurobindo, Ramana Maharishi and Papa Ramdas who initiated him into Ram Naam . In the course of seven days and seven nights, Ramsuratkumar made the great exodus from the Kingdom of man to the Kingdom of God. Ramsuratkumar became YOGI RAMSURATKUMAR, with a mission greater than his own liberation. Today, His Name, YOGI RAMSURATKUMAR provides help, guidance and protection to all those who chant it and is a sanctuary of peace, love and joy. • #yogiramsuratkumar #madevaki #mahatma #ram #guru #bhakti #satsang #meditate #om #omsriram • • Official Website : www.yogiramsuratkumarashram.org


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