Behringer Tube Ultragain MIC200 demo and review


Get the Pre-amp here: • • Behringer Tube Ultragain MIC200 demo and review: • The Behringer Ultragain MIC200 vacuum tube preamp is a great value standalone mic preamp that can also be used for line in and guitar or instruments. In this demo we use the Behringer c2 small diaphragm mics as mics. These are just awesome. • It is also marketed as a DI and it is this flexibility that makes it a very affordable workhorse in the studio and live situations. It also adds the warmth and saturation that is associated with a tube preamp. • The MIC200 has some great preamp mode presets but unfortunately I did not feel they were usefull. Presets are dialed in and are guitar, limiter, vocals, keyboard etc. Not one other than the Valve and Nuetral were usable to my ears. All the others added too much to the signal and did sound like a cheap effect. • I would go as far as saying that you are better off saving £10 in the UK and just buying the Behringer Ultragain MIC100. This option does not have any preamp mode presets. • Get some vacuum tube/valve sound into your guitar preamp chain: •    • How to get a tube valve into your gui...   • The ultragain has a gain and output volume. It has a good clip indicator led display. Very useful is the 20dB pad, +48V phantom power (obvious for a mic preamp), low cut filter and a phase reverse switch. • Read more at: •


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