Ansys 2024 R1 Whats New in Ansys STK and ODTK


2024 R1 now offers expanded capabilities for users leveraging STK's chains and constellation objects to construct and analyze complex data relay and multi object connectivity paths. Previous versions of STK were able to produce all the necessary link information that defined the total collection of possible paths through a given constellation. However, users often needed to apply additional constraints in order to narrow the number of viable options. This usually meant exporting data for further analysis using external tools. Updates with this release include the ability to apply additional constraints such as the minimum or maximum number of hops within any layer of a constellation, as well as metrics to qualify optimal path such as total distance, total time, RF system metrics, and many other calculations that STK can provide via the analysis workbench. • Get Started with STK and ODTK! • 00:00 Introduction • 01:35 STK Aviator Creating a Detailed Performance Model • 03:40 ODTK's optical navigation capabilities • 04:50 Enhancements to STK's ability to accurately account for refraction, diffraction, and reflection effects on RF communications in urban environments


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