Naming Branched Alkanes 3 Examples Organic Chemistry
Molecules covered: • 2-methyl-5-propylnonane 0:04 • 9-cyclopentyl-3,7-dimethyl-4-propylundecane 3:53 • 3-bromo-4-ethyl-2,5-dimethylhexane 9:50 • This video covers three examples on alkane nomenclature. Naming these simple alkanes is an introduction to the large IUPAC nomenclature topic covered in your organic chemistry course. Naming organic molecules will only grow in complexity so it is important to get comfortable with the basics. • The compounds covered include hydrocarbons with branches (alkyl groups) and may include a cycloalkane or a halogen such as bromide, chloride, iodide, or fluoride. Identifying the parent chain, correcting numbering the parent chain, identifying substituents (stuff branched off the parent), alphabetizing, recognizing priorities, and forming the final name are all discussed in this video. • Organic chemistry is the study of carbon molecules and carbon-based compounds. • This video is presented by Your Science Tutor. We provide videos in math, chemistry, and physics.