Remote Chunk Loader 117


This setup can be built in survival, but it is • very impractical • links: • Andrew's vid on remote chunkloading    • Remote Chunk Loading   • tnt duper by pwouik   / discord   • chunkloaders by Kahyxen    • Item based   Shulker box based Chunk ...   • wireless redstone by Redstone Warper    • The Secrets To Wireless Redstone | 2 ...   • music    • 💿 No Copyright Lofi hip hop mix    Ch...   • WDL (1.17.1): • Important: this setup uses wireless redstone, that means that to work in singleplayer it requires local server entity id fix (that mod can be found in description of Redstone Warper's video, link above) • How to operate wdl: after you spawn wait 15 sec till chunkloader starts, then turn the lever off and tp (command block) to start, there wait 30 more seconds, set gamemode to survival, shoot the tnt, wait till cannon finishes accelerating boats, click the noteblock that says fire . • So this works by sending shulker and an enderman to an unloaded chunk where enderman can enter a nether portal, watch Andrew's video, there is an explanation and correct entity ticking order in the description • setup explanation: • this monstrosity consists of 3 parts • start - this is an infinite accel based cannon (link 2no2name video) it accelerates 2 boats and 1 tnt lit by a player with fuse 2, the correct ticking order (boat-boat-tnt) is obtained by moving entities from one lazy chunk to another also it is important to mention that boats are placed on ice to remove their speedcap, and it is important to use packed ice because boats have the same friction on it as tnt has on air, • middle - this is just a mechanism that aligns shulker and enderman in lazy chunk for boats to pick up, the chunk that boats fly through is entity processing, but one with mobs should be lazy • end - this is just a nether portal in unloaded chunk, nothing special here • firing sequence: • 1tick we load chunk with boats and tnt, they move to the middle and tnt fuse is on 1, boats pick up shulker and enderman • 2tick chunk with enderman and shulker is also loaded (we load it 1 tick after we load the start to ensure correct ticking order), boats now with passengers move to end, from there ticking order becomes very important and it is explained in Andrew's vid • If anyone wants to design setup more practical for survival or knows a way to accelerate boats with passengers or any other way to make that mechanism without middle part please contact me on discord Savva#2004


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