The Extinct Deadliest Shark Ever shorts megalodon shark
The Megalodon (Otodus megalodon) is widely regarded as the deadliest shark that ever existed, dominating the oceans around 23 to 3.6 million years ago during...
megalodon shark, huge sharks, Rhamphosuchus, Megalodon’s enemies, Miocene period, Sperm whales, Shark size comparison, Megalodon, Whale Shark, Parahelicoprion Clerci, Basking Shark, Helicoprion Ferrieri, Helicoprion Bessonowi, Anisopleurodontis Pricei, Atlanticopristis, Onchopristis, Hemipristis Serra, Greenland Shark, Goblin Shark, Great Hammerhead, Great White Shark, Bluntnose Sixgill Shark, Megamoth Shark, Tiger Shark, megalodon, the meg, monster, scene, scenes, shark