The JESUS Movie In Makonde Mozambique


The JESUS Movie In Makonde, Mozambique • Makonde, or Kimakonde, is the language spoken by the Makonde, an ethnic group in southeast Tanzania and northern Mozambique. Makonde is a central Bantu language closely related to Yao. The Matembwe and Mabiha (Maviha) dialects are divergent, and may not be Makonde (Nurse 2003). • A mosquito-borne viral fever first identified on the Makonde Plateau is named 'Chikungunya', which is derived from the Makonde root verb kungunyala (meaning that which bends up , to become contorted, or to walk bent over ). The derivation of the term is generally falsely attributed to Swahili. • The Gospel of John was written two generations after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. • ``For God so Loved the world that he give his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life``.(John 3:16) • Our purpose is help people start a relationship with Jesus and become followers who are like Him. • #BiswaFamily #Youtube #JesusMovie


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