Devon Larratt vs Ermes Gasparini sparring session
Engin Terzi has uploaded both parts of the sparring session between Devon Larratt and Ermes Gasparini on his channel. Devon’s weight is approximately 115 kilos, after regaining about 10 kilos following the weight cut required for his match against Oleg Petrenko, which took place the day before the practice pulling session. • Ermes weighs around 123 or 124 kilos, so there’s an 8 or 9-kilo difference between them. However, Ermes isn’t in his best shape; as he mentions, he’s at 82% of his peak form. • In the video, we can observe that Ermes has better hand control than in their supermatch at East vs West 9 on August 26, 2023, thanks to the intensive training he has done on his pronation and riser over the months. • We can see how Ermes easily controls the center and, with his side pressure and toproll, brings Devon’s arm to the pin pad multiple times. When Devon managed to stop the match with his King’s Move, Ermes defeated Devon with his press. However, once endurance came into play and Ermes started to tire, Devon was able to beat Ermes. • Therefore, if Ermes wants to beat Devon in a future match, he’ll need to avoid getting his arm pumped and losing all his endurance. To do this, he’ll need to win the necessary rounds quickly. • At the end, Devon acknowledges that Ermes has improved his hand and wrist control. • With his left hand, Devon dominated Ermes. We know that Ermes’s left arm is at least 20% weaker than his right, as he himself has stated. • Sources: • Engin Terzi’s channel: • • Devon Larratt vs Ermes Gasparini part 1 • • Devon Larratt vs Ermes Gasparini Part 2