Terry Bogard is Ken Masters Step Brother sf6 terrybogard snkvscapcom streetfighter6

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=ck7AGs5j890

This video is a brief breakdown of everything we know about Terry Bogard in SF6 • The Origins of Terry Bogard • The Origins of Geese Howard • Why Terry Bogard in the Street Fighter Roster is such a BIG DEAL • Why Terry Bogard has become the SNK Locker Room's Super Star • The possibility that a Capcom vs SNK 3 (CVS3) could actually happen • All Terry Bogard Street Fighter 6 Special Moves • Origins of Terry Bogard Special Techniques • All of Terry Bogard Super Special Attacks • History of Terry Bogard Desperation Moves • Terry Bogard SF6 Face Controversy • Power Dunk Combo SF6 Controversy • And MORE!!!! • Thank You so much for watching!!! • Don't forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE!!! • I am currently producing a feature length documentary that covers the entire Game Hero History of Terry Bogard the Legendary Hungry Wolf. The video series will release in chapter format over the next 6 months leading up to the release of Fatal Fury COTW. The series details Terry's entire gaming career with a chapter dedicated to each game that he appears in, except for the ones that I couldn't actually play myself. I'll still give them all a mention in the final chapter but I won't be able to do them the same justice I am doing the others unless I can actually play through them myself. It's the honorable thing to do! • Terry Bogard is easily one of my top 5 favorite video game heroes and producing this series has been a lot of fun! • I hope that you enjoyed the video as much as I enjoyed making it! • If you did enjoy the video then let's vibe on stream! • Use this link to smash the FOLLOW button on my Twitch channel so we can kick back and have a few matches, I own quite a few fighting game's so pick your poison! (Console Limitations may apply we can CHAT about it) •   / tinypirategaming   • And if you want access to some of the YT Channel's secret animation videos or want to be kept up to date on some behind the scenes TPG production scheduling, check out the discord! • You'll find plenty of helpful Grounded Players there but I'm trying to expand the brand!!! •   / discord   • A Pirate Crew is no good if it doesn't have some hardcore fighters!? • Thank you again so much for watching!!! • OK C YA!!!!!! • #gaming #sf #terrybogard


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