Palpatine Must Have Hired Augies Great Municipal Band
Why is this so dark?! When I was younger I always thought Palpatine was just pretending with a fake smile, but no, he's genuinely participating in the celebration. John Williams' themes and orchestration are already so good but to also, so explicitly, be telling the story along with what's on screen is just so chefs kiss • Movie clips - Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace • Music - The Parade (otherwise known as Augie's Great Municipal Band - Composed and Conducted by John Williams • Twitch Stream - wafflecheff • / wafflecheff • in case it needs to be said: i obviously don't own or claim to own any of this. The clips, audio and visual, are owned by Lucasfilm Ltd. I'm just a simple star wars fan trying to make my way in the universe. • #prequeldefenseforce #prequels #starwars • #starwarsnerd #thephantommenace #theemperor • #emperor #palpatine #sith #johnwilliams #orchestra #harmony #theory #eastereggs