The BEST Taijutsu Combos in Shinobi Striker
The new Fleet Foot attack weapon in Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker has some of the greatest combos you have ever seen. In this video I'm showcasing different connecting points for combo strings, jutsus and ninjatools, with the new weapon in shinobi striker and bring you the best and most stylish taijutsu combos you could imagine. • NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER is a multiplayer online game set in the universe of Naruto. Players will have the pleasure of fighting with their favourite characters and discovering a new gameplay style set in thrilling 3D environments with a completely new graphic style! • If you wanna see more fun and creative Builds, check out my Shinobi Striker Builds Playlist: • • Shinobi Striker Builds • As always have a great day y'all ! • :D • #shinobistriker #ntbss #narutotoborutoshinobistriker #narutoshinobistriker #shinobistrikerattackbuild #naruto #shinobistrikers #shinobistrikerbuilds #narutotoborutoshinobistrikers #shinobistrikerdlc #shinobistrikergameplay #shinobistrikerseason8 #shinobistrikercombotutorial