Tutorial on GameAnalytics SDK for Corona
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=cnZYnMxJWGY
Already using the Corona SDK? • • Our Lead SDK Ninja, Simon Millard, illustrates how to benefit from the just announced integration in the in-depth tutorial above. Or, if you would rather feel like reading, here's a quick rundown below. • • As an official Corona SDK plugin, GameAnalytics can now be referenced directly from code on the Corona platform, without any manual downloads. Moreover, it is automatically kept up to date through the Corona servers. • • And if that is not enough to pique your interest, we have updated our Corona SDK to include advanced features such as: • request batching • built-in reporting of average and critical FPS • built-in reporting of runtime errors and stack traces • storyboard integration: built-in reporting of storyboard changes • Get more info: http://support.gameanalytics.com/hc/e...