Acro Chair Trick Tutorial Featuring Robin Buriak
Another chair flip! Shoulder roll onto and over the back of the chair. Surprise your guests at a dinner party! • 1) From a kneel beside the chair, lean your shoulder to rest on top of the seat, supporting with your hand for extra balance. • 2) Extend your legs, pressing hips towards the ceiling and reaching behind you with your other hand to grab the back rest of the chair. • 3) Kick your legs one at a time, a bit like a cartwheel, until they are up over the chair with your hips pressed against the back rest of the chair. • 4) Extend one leg behind you over the back of the chair towards the floor to create momentum to stand. • 5) The other legs follows, make sure you press your hands into the chair back - pressing it into the ground for added support! • Aradia Fitness Calgary offers all-level specialty workshops such as Chair Tricks, Chair and Lap Dance, and Floor Tricks. • Chair Tricks focuses on individual tricks using the chair. These will include balances, dynamic transitions between the floor and chair, body rolls on and off the chair, and more. • This is a multi-skill level class - students will work on movement appropriate for their experience level and strength. • Use these tricks in your next chair dance routine! • Videography and Edit by Max Tataeva • #aradiafitness #chairtricks #chairdance #calgarysbestpolestudio #acrochair #flip #tutorial #dancetutorial #tricktutorial