After Hair Transplant Can Grafts Fall Out
After Hair Transplant: Can Grafts Fall Out? Dr. Bernstein answers a common question about grafts becoming permanent after a hair transplant. Read on for a partial transcript. Don't forget to click the thumbs up button if you like this video! • Partial transcript: • This is a very common question, and doctors for many years just winged the answer. In 2006 Dr. Rasman and I did a very controlled study to see how long it actually took before grafts were permanent. Surprisingly it was 9 days. Some of the grafts started to become permanent at 6 or 7 [days], but at 9 days every graft that we tested over a series of a number of patients were permanent. So if you tugged on the top of the graft, the hair would come out, but the actual follicle would stay in place. • Bernstein Medical -- Center for Hair Restoration • 110 East 55th Street, 11th Floor • New York, NY 10022 • 212-826-2400 • Visit Bernstein Medical online or call us at 212-826-2400. •